3 YouTubers with REALLY Long 4B/4C Natural Hair and Simple Regimens


Growing your 4B/4C natural hair to waist length is NO small feat. After all, learning your natural kinks after years of relaxing them takes both time and a shift in the way you think about hair care. However, I do want to acknowledge those who have surpassed waist length because such a milestone further demonstrates that kinky hair can grow really long. Here are three such women on YouTube:

1. Bootyfurl – Tailbone Length| Finger Detangle and Protective Styles

First off is Bootyfurl! She was first featured on BGLH years ago, and I’ve been following her ever since. Having reached waist length and then hip length, she is now in the realm of tailbone length!

Does not have a strict routine, per say, but is a big advocate of “keeping it simple” and “not doing so much”.
Strictly finger detangle.
Wear small twists or stretched protective styles.
Her staple products include coconut oil and castor oil.
Protects her hair every night.
Moisturizes regularly.

Finger detangling
Protective styling
Keeping it simple

WHERE YOU CAN FIND HER: Bootyfurl’s Channel

2. JoStylin – Almost Tailbone Length| Blow dry and Braids

Some of you may recognize JoStylin from this earlier post on a related topic. Well since then, she has gone from waist length to almost tailbone length, and this is with blowdrying and big braids!

Biweekly wash, condition, and seal followed by blow drying and jumbo braids.
Sometimes she will undo the braids and wear a braid out. However, this has become a rare occurrence as her hair has gotten longer.
Finger detangle on damp hair, rather than dry or soaking wet.
Washes in twisted/plaited sections.

Low manipulation
Keeping her hair stretched (via blow dry and braids/braid outs)
Keeping it simple

WHERE YOU CAN FIND HER: JoStylin’s Channel

3. Naturally High – Hip Length | Blow dry, Finger Detangle, and Buns

I have mentioned Naturally High a couple of times on BGLH because her hair blows my mind considering that we rarely see 4C naturals at a solid waist length. (At the time, I could only think of Sera25 and Aijo/Kemi21 from the Fotki hair album days.) Right now, Naturally High is hip length!

Finger detangle on dry hair after a coconut oil pre-poo.
Sometimes uses hair extensions (Marley Braid Hair) so that her hair isn’t exposed but further protected.
Shampoos once a month and co-washes in between.
Does hard core protein treatments (Aphogee 2-Step) to keep her hair strong.
Washes in twisted/plaited sections.
When she does blow dry, it is for stretching her roots; she does not use it much on the ends of her hair.

Protective styles (usually stretched buns)
Keeping her hair stretched
Leaving the hair alone

WHERE YOU CAN FIND HER: Naturally High’s Channel

Have you checked out these ladies? Do you know of any other super long 4B/4C naturals?