4 Simple Recipes for Homemade Leave-In Conditioners


By Chinwe of Hair and Health

Do you want to create a homemade leave-in but you don’t know where to begin?  Then read on for a few simple recipes:

1. Coconut Cream Leave-In Conditioner

I LOVE this creamy, smooth concoction and plan to use it a lot this summer.  It only requires three ingredients – coconut oil, aloe vera gel, and avocado oil – and it smells lovely.

1 oz slightly melted (not completely melted) extra virgin coconut oil
2 oz aloe vera gel
1 tsp avocado oil

1. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly with a hand mixer on medium speed.
2. That is it!  It is ready to use on damp, freshly washed hair or on dry hair.
3. Store any leftovers in a closed container.  (The mixture may solidify slightly in room temperature, but it melts easily in the palm of your hands.)

2. Multi-Oil Leave-In Conditioner

Now, this leave-in is for you oil lovers.  It will condition your strands, increase the luster of your hair, and reduce split end formation and breakage while styling.

3 oz avocado oil
2 oz extra virgin olive oil
1 oz almond oil
1 oz castor oil
1 oz melted extra virgin coconut oil
5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil

1. Pour all the ingredients into an oil mister.
2. Shake the bottle well to thoroughly mix the oils together.
3. Can be used on damp (but not too damp), freshly washed hair.

3. Conditioner-Based Leave-In

For those of you who want to start from a cheap conditioner you currently own, this recipe is for you.

4 oz distilled water
1 oz Tresemme Naturals Conditioner (the original white label) or Suave Naturals Conditioner
1oz avocado oil or olive oil

NOTE: If you prefer to use a conditioner other than Tresemme or Suave, just be sure that it is an instant conditioner that is NOT heavy in protein or silicones.

1. Pour all the ingredients into a spray bottle or mister.
2. Shake the bottle well to thoroughly mix the ingredients together.
3. Can be used on damp, freshly washed hair or on dry hair.
4. Store in a refrigerator to prolong the shelf life.

4. Coconut Aloe Leave-In Conditioner

I have yet to try this recipe but it certainly looks interesting.  Let me know how you like it.

(Recipe Source)

4 oz (or ½ cup) of aloe vera juice
6 oz (or ¾ cup) of coconut water
6 drops of honeysuckle essential oil

1. Pour all the ingredients into a spray bottle.
2. Place the sprayer onto the bottle and gently shake to mix all the ingredients together.
3. Store in a refrigerator until ready for use.  Best used on damp, freshly washed hair.

Ladies, do you use a homemade leave-in conditioner?  Share below!