6 Gorgeous and Easy Holiday Styles for Natural Hair


Wow, can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving already? The end of 2013 is coming at a lightning pace, in a whirlwind of office parties, dinners, galas, formals, events, and good times with loved ones. When it’s time for important holiday gatherings, many naturals opt for popular styles like braidouts, twistouts, bantu knots, and some even break out the flat irons. Not feeling those options? Don’t worry – check out these 6 super simple styles that will turn heads at your next holiday get together.

Warning: gather up all the bobby pins you can find!

1. Knot for the Holidays

I’ll admit, when I first realized ChloeC was tying her hair in knots, I was a bit nervous. But as the tutorial progressed, I realized that this style poses no real threat to stretched natural hair. Grab a few bobby pins, and get tying for a sophisticated, pulled-back do.

2. Half French Roll Inspired Updo

Danaekelly creates a super cute updo, perfect for those looking to spice up an old twistout. All you need is a few bobby pins, a moisturizing product for light hold, and water! For a remixed and more sleek version of this style, check out Mstoot7′s tutorial:

3. Sideswept Holiday Style

Alicia James always has gorgeous hair styles, and this sideswept do definitely doesn’t disappoint. Plus, there’s two ways to wear it. This style is perfect for longer or stretched hair. All you need is bobby pins!

4. The Retro Pinup

Angelique keeps it super simple and classy with this retro pinup inspired do. All you need is water, a scrunchie, and some bobby pins to complete the style. Topped off with an accessory, this style is perfect for turning an old tired bun into the life of the party!

5. Electric Lady Inspired Pompador

If you’re feeling a little Janelle Monet, let My Natural Sistas show you how to turn stretched hair into a sleek and classy pompadour. Bobby pins galore, a dual-sided brush, and gel make this style possible. This style is also a great option for transitioners!

6. Twisted Updo

LHDC-TV’s simple twisted updo is gorgeous, and seems a lot more complicated than it actually is. With a few bobby pins and a scrunchie, you can have your own version of this simple style. You can add extra hair for dramatic effect, but the tutorial shows you how to get around that.

How will you be rocking your hair this holiday season?

For more from Christina check out her blog, The Mane Objective. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook.