6 of the Most Ridiculous Pieces of Natural Hair Advice


By Gabrielle of Strawberricurls.com

I have been doing this natural hair thing for a long time now. In the midst of this, I have come across some of the most absurd natural hair tips in existence today. Some of it I am completely floored by. I want my hair to retain my length just as much as the next natural but man some of this stuff is just…

1. Breast milk for hair growth There are some tips that I will give the benefit of the doubt and there are some natural hair tips that leave me with so many unanswered questions. Where am I getting the breast milk for? Who’s providing it? How did you come about trying this? How long did you do this to prove if it worked or not? I’m so good on this.

2. Monistat for hair growth ~flips table~ You have got to be kidding me. This is one of those natural hair tips that you won’t EVER catch me trying out. Do you know what Monistat was made for!? No, I’m beyond straight on this because you have to be given several seats for this suggestion. Again, so many questions….

3. Mineral oil-based hair grease Yes, I said it: grease. I say this because if you knew the origins of hair grease and how we came about using it, you would think it’s absurd to. It basically came from slavery because slaves had to use what was on hand to do their hair. So they used oil that chicken was fried in, oil from cars, just about anything, and these practices were carried over to their children.

4. Don’t wash your natural hair too often because it won’t grow ~hits the floor~ Can I execute somebody for this statement? You want to know the truth? I washed my hair every . single . day after my big chop. It was so easy! I would use conditioner and olive oil to wash my hair and it was always moisturized and it grew like crazy!

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Ladies, what’s the most ridiculous piece of natural hair advice you’ve heard or received?

Gabrielle is the creator of Strawberricurls.com. Follow her on Instagram @strawberricurls.