Are More Black Women Embracing Spiritual, But Non-Religious Practices?


A couple of years ago, one of my favorite spiritual workers, Curly Demure of Demure Lyfe, constantly shared information on crystals on her Facebook page about their uses and energies. As a collector of crystals since childhood, I was always excited to see these posts and casually shared them with followers of my page. I didn’t really think anything of it – after all, my website and channel aren’t about crystals or spirituality, I just wanted to share something that I love. But the overall response I received was very positive, and even more, a lot of women had questions about the different kinds of crystals and their uses. It was beyond acceptance or tolerance, and I truly appreciated them for that.

And there’s no shortage of information available – a quick Google search or trip to the library can open up a whole new world about spiritual tools and practices. Not just crystals, but information on moon phases, meditation, setting intentions, yogic philosophy, aromatherapy, numerology, and more. Blogs like Demure Lyfe and the Hoodwitch, both led by women of color, share information on spiritual practices in a way that are both refreshing and modern. There’s always something new to learn (look up “yoni eggs”) and it’s all rooted in positivity and shining your own light on the world.

I thought it was important to ask some active users about how their spirituality relates to their religion; often, people may see these practices as a direct contradiction or conflict with religious beliefs, but it seems that many are shifting towards spiritual practices without the two interfering with one another, or associated but in balance. Here’s what they had to say (names kept private):

“I am a Christian who believes in God but also like working with crystals. I meditate although I haven’t quit mastered it yet. I do believe in smudging because negative energy can an affect anyone. I’ve always been connected to astrology as a child. I’ve always been connected to crystals as a child although I referred to them as rocks. My parents never questioned my fascination with these and allowed me to explore my curiosity. I do believe that Christianity has been given a bad rep as a result of false teachings.”

“I grew up Christian but the religion never fit me. Now at 30 I know I don’t believe in most religious dogmas but I’m not sure exactly where I fall. Astrology makes “sense” to me but I feel understanding life is more about understanding self than anything else at all. I tell people I am not atheist because I believe in God, I just believe she IS me… So I would say I’m spiritual, but nothing simple about it.”

“I was born and raised in a Christian household. Although Christianity has been my personal foundation, it has not stopped me from questioning, studying, and plain ‘ole ‘knowing better’. As a kid, my awareness, curiosity, and wonder led me to feel more connected to nature, sunshine, moon beams, stars, wind gusts, ocean waves, the change of seasons, messages in my dreams, and crystals. There was power in all of these things for me, and I knew it was all God before religion was even introduced to me. Yoga even found me before I ever stepped foot inside of a church! Fast forward to now, and you’ll find me praying, saying grace over my food, practicing yoga, meditating, smudging, working with crystal energy, communing with nature, studying Ifa, and enjoying the company of lightworkers. To me, it’s all God, it’s fellowship, it’s church service….everything I grew up with as a kid, but minus the fear, judgement, mind control, and contention. I’m so open right now, and my practices feel good in my spirit.”


What spiritual practices do you engage in? What are you exploring?