Cameron // 4A Natural Hair Style Icon


Introduce yourself!
I’m Cameron Flowers. Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Why did you make the decision to go natural?
As of October 2013, I’ve been natural for 3 years. Going natural actually happened by accident for me. I was more interested in just doing something different with my hair, so I decided to cut it all off. It was only after all my permed hair was gone that I realized I was natural. From August 2012 to May 2013 I tried locking my hair, but then changed my mind and combed them out.

How would you describe your texture?
Well, like most everyone, I have a few different textures all throughout my hair. But I’d say it’s predominantly 4a. It’s very thick and very coarse!!

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
What I’ve been doing lately is a braid-out right after washing, conditioning, and detangling. Then, once the braid-out gets old, I’ll do two-strand twists and leave those in for a few days. Then I’ll wear the twist-out until it gets old and start all over again.


What does wash day look like for you?
I use Organix sulfate free shampoo to wash, and the matching conditioner to detangle. Once my hair is washed, conditioned, and detangled, I style. Most recently in braids. I use Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioning Repair Cream to moisturize and protect my fragile, bleached ends. And finally I seal it all in with an oil, typically coconut oil.

Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
I typically don’t style on a day to day basis. My hair is pretty much always out and free. On the days when it’s not looking right I just throw it up in a puff.

How do you combat shrinkage?
Braiding or bantu knots. If I don’t do either of those I’ll end up with 60-75 percent shrinkage!!

Tell us about your hair color?
In January of 2012 I decided I wanted purple hair. A friend of the family who does hair did it for me, so I don’t know the specific name of the products that were used. She lifted the color with peroxide and then used a semi-permanent purple. It was the first and only time I’ve ever colored my hair. As my hair grew out and the color faded I was left with blonde tips. At first I didn’t notice any change in my hair, but as the color has grown out, I can tell that the bleached hair is rougher and more fragile and unruly than the rest.

What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
Definitely the ends of my hair. They’re so fragile.

What are 2 do’s for your texture?
I must must MUST keep up with detangling. If I wear my hair out for more than a week without detangling I’ll have some serious knots to deal with!! Also, using an oil to seal in moisture has done wonders for my hair since I’ve started doing it. It makes it so much shinier and softer.

What are 2 don’ts for your texture?
Wash n go’s and sulfate shampoos. I just can’t with them.

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
I’m appledance93 on Instagram and Tumblr!
