Introduce yourself!
C: My name is Chandra Hawthorne and I am from Dallas, Texas.
Why did you make the decision to go natural?
C: I have been natural for 4 years. I decided to go natural for two reasons. I was tired of getting it relaxed, and bored with my relaxed look. Also I had begun a healthy hair journey on my relaxed hair by using all natural products. Well it took less than a month of doing that to realize that it made no sense (to me) to use natural products on my hair if I was going to still chemically relax it? I really wanted to know how well my hair would do with no chemicals or harsh products being used in it. So I stopped relaxing it.
How would you describe your texture?
C: My curl pattern is a 4A/4B with 3C in the nape. My overall texture is very cottony, dense, and spongy. My hair has medium, fine, and coarse textures mixed in. My hair in the nape is very curly and has a fine texture. The rest of my hair is very kinky-curly, cottony, and coarse. The front of my hair has little to no curl pattern, so I have to use more holding product there to keep my set styles. My hair has about 70% shrinkage, and it needs a lot of moisture. It is prone to dryness so I have to stay on top of it. My hair also tangles quickly, so I have to be very patient when detangling and styling my hair.
Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
C: My styling regimen is centered around hair health and my lifestyle 98% of the time! I tend to wear protective styles most of the time because they hold moisture in my hair much longer, help me retain most of my length, and they work for my lifestyle. I wash my hair about twice a month with apple cider vinegar and water and I deep condition with Hydratherma Naturals Moisture Boost Conditioner for about an hour. I then rinse and add my leave in, moisturizer, and oil from the Hydratherma Naturals line. I also use other carrier oil mixes such as extra virgin olive oil, Vatika, and safflower oil. After I’ve air dried my hair in plaits overnight, the next day, (or two days) I slightly re-moisten and add Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and proceed to twist my hair. I keep the twists in about a week and a half to two weeks. I wear my hair out in a twist out for about 3 days and repeat! I also use henna and amla about once every 2 months, and I cleanse with Aztec Bentonite Healing Clay once a month. In the rare event that my hair is out, it will most likely be a twist out, braid out, or some kind of bun.
What does wash day look like for you?
C: I wash my hair once every two weeks. I start with a dry finger detangle with oil. I then add a prepoo mixture of extra virgin olive oil and conditioner. My prepoo sits for at least 2 hours and sometimes overnight. I cleanse with apple cider vinegar and water most of the time, followed by Hydratherma Naturals to deep condition for at least an hour. I then use Hydratherma Naturals Leave In, Moisturizer and I seal with oil. Afterwards I typically twist my hair up with Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and wear it in twists for 2 weeks and repeat!
Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
C: My quick go to style is definitely my banana clip bun, with side swooped, pinned bangs. It’s so easy and it looks very classy. I Love it!
How do you combat shrinkage?
C: I put my hair in about 12 plaits and let my hair dry about 95 %. If I really want it stretched I just blow it out on low heat.
What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
C: Definitely how easily my hair tangles and forms knots, especially in the nape. I have to really slow down and take my time or I will have to pull out the scissors!
What are 2 do’s for your texture?
C: I have to keep my hair stretched, and I have to keep it moisturized.
What are 2 don’ts for your texture?
C: I can’t let my hair fully shrink, or fully dry out, or it will be a wrap!
Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
C: Yes! I can be found at, Healthy Happy Hair on Facebook, and Chawthorne3 on Instagram.