Introduce yourself! C: My name is Chelsea Boatey. I’m from Ghana, West Africa, but I live in Minnesota. Why did you make the decision to go natural? C: I’ve been natural since 2011. Actually, I had really short natural hair but I decided to grow it out in 2011, so I didn’t exactly “big chop”....

Chelsea // 4B/C Natural Hair Style Icon


Introduce yourself!
My name is Chelsea Boatey. I’m from Ghana, West Africa, but I live in Minnesota.

Why did you make the decision to go natural?
I’ve been natural since 2011. Actually, I had really short natural hair but I decided to grow it out in 2011, so I didn’t exactly “big chop”. My big sister went natural after high school and it looked really great on her. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked with a fro, so that motivated me to go natural as well.

How would you describe your texture?
I’m new to the whole texture craze, but I think my hair is 4b and 4c. It’s very loose in the front and thick at the back.

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
I’m an updo freak! Twist outs barely work for me. I load a huge amount of moisturizer in my hair at the beginning of the week so I don’t have to during the week. I like to work with semi-dry hair, so I don’t ever spritz my hair because my hair shrinks immediately. Updos are fast and easy so I don’t spend hours styling my hair before work or school. All I use is Edge Control and a Joico Hairspray for that strong hold.

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What does wash day look like for you?
I always have to prepare myself mentally for washing my hair a week before I do. I don’t use shampoo my hair. I use only Organix hair products. I section my hair into 4. I use the Repairing Awapuhi Ginger Conditioner to condition my hair 45 minutes to an hour. Then I detangle with a wide tooth comb. After cowashing I apply the Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Intense Moisturizing Treatment and I allow it to air dry.

Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
I comb the sides of my hair down and hold it in a little pony at the back and leave the middle out. I apply my Joico Hairspray to give it a firm hold and tuck it in with a bobby pin.

How do you combat shrinkage?
I absolutely hate shrinkage! Anytime a drop of water touches my hair it shrinks. I usually use a hot comb to stretch it out or I blow it dry.

What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
Being in the modeling business, my hair has been dyed three times. It left my hair a little damaged, so I always try to treat my hair so it’s stronger. Also I have uneven length. The front is super long and the back is short.

What are 2 do’s for your texture?
Always twist hair when semi wet. Use either shea butter or Eco Styler Gel to lock the twists.

What are 2 don’ts for your texture?
Make sure your hair is dry before taking out your twists. Wash and go’s never work for my hair…so sad.

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?

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