Joy // Multi-Texture Style Icon


Introduce yourself!
Hey, I’m Joy Green and I’m from Los Angeles, California.

Why did you make the decision to go natural?

J: I’ve been natural for about 2 ½ years now and I went natural because I was tired of having damaged, dry hair that I had to depend on someone else to do every two weeks. A close friend of mine who has locs kept showing me videos and pictures of girls with full, long, beautiful curls. She kept saying that my hair could grow and that I should just try it “you have nothing to lose.” I’m so glad that she kept persisting because it literally changed my life!

How would you describe your texture?

J: Mmkay, so I feel that I have three different textures: 4a-4c. Texture 4a would be located on the top of my head. It’s thick but not super dense and has a little bit of a looser curl than the rest of my hair. My 4b texture is along the sides and mid section. It’s pretty easy to manage, but since it’s the densest/thickest part of my hair I have to take care not to neglect or yank it. The back, lower section is my 4c area. It’s coarse and is a little thinner than the rest of the body of my hair because of the amount of damage I did trying to keep it straight when I used to straighten it. I definitely baby it and give it extra love, and in turn in over a year it has grown a few inches (yay!).

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.

J: Buns, Twists, and Twist outs. I can’t get enough of these three because of their effects on my hair quality and growth. My schedule always varies, so when I do have time to keep my hair twisted I do so for as long as I can. Flat twists are my fav since they help with moisture retention, are a low maintenance style (which is what my hair needs to grow), and I think they’re so beautiful. When I untwist them after days of having them in my hair looks so nice and full, and the true length of my hair is shown (vs. how my hair would be in a wash n go).


Buns are for the days I need my hair to stay invulnerable to weather and damage, but don’t have time to style it. They are elegant, easy, and get the job done. No matter which style I have I always use Organic Shea Butter, Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil (from Costco), Almond Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, and water. The products that have never failed me over the life of my journey are from the brand Shea Moisture. It’s affordable and the products don’t have harmful ingredients. I use their Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Conditioner, Yucca & Aloe Thickening Growth Milk, and Raw Shea Butter Extra-Moisture Transitioning Milk. I try to keep it simple, and for wash days I use what I have on hand and a little Peppermint Oil on my scalp for rejuvenation.

What does wash day look like for you?

J: Wash days happen once a month or twice (depends). I interchange methods of cleansing my hair using Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar or Organic Black Soap. The main purpose is to get my scalp clean without stripping my hair of its oils, and these both are effective. To prep my hair I’ll slather Coconut Oil all over my hair and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. While I’m in the shower I rinse it all out and start spritzing the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar on my scalp while working it in with my fingers. When that’s done, I rinse it out, saturate it with conditioner and detangle (I use my fingers and a wide-toothed comb). Then I twist it into four sections and rinse most of the conditioner out. After that I style it however I like and apply a Shea Moisture Hair Milk product or Organic Shea Butter with Aloe Vera Gel to the ends of my hair working my way up. I notice this helps reduce product buildup on my scalp and itchiness. I always, always let my hair air dry! It may take a bit longer, but it’s the most natural way and doesn’t cause damage.

Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.

J: Like I mentioned before buns are just the best go-to style for me. I noticed when my ends aren’t exposed a lot my hair is better off and it looks bomb! Sometimes I like to just swoop it up in a poof just because it’s cute and easy.

How do you combat shrinkage?

J: The shrinkage is too real for me. Flat-twists have been the most effective method when it comes to retaining length. They stretch out my curls and when completely dried I don’t have as much shrinkage. I also get a beautiful heart shaped fro.

What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?

J: The left side of my mid section of hair and the bottom half need extra attention. Since my hair is a little kinky in those areas I have to make sure not to get impatient while handling them. I’ve tried to rush through combing and it has resulted in unnecessary breakage.

What are 2 do’s for your texture?

J: Do have patience! Do use water as a moisturizer and a sealant afterwards.

What are 2 don’ts for your texture?

J: Don’t apply heat! Don’t let your hair get matted and dry!!

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?

J: Yes actually! You can find me on Insta: @joyvivre, Tumblr:, and Twitter: @joydgreen. I always post on art, my career as a model/actress, and fashion. Thanks!

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