Introduce yourself!
K: My name is Kivvi Rachelle. I’m originally from Louisville, Kentucky and I am currently a Keyholder for A.P.C. (it’s a French clothing brand).
Why did you make the decision to go natural?
K: I have been natural now for a little over 2 1/2 years. It was a combination of a curiosity, finances, and overall health for my hair. I had been relaxing my hair for so long that I no longer knew what my curl pattern was. Having seen several women wearing their natural hair, I soon became curious about mine. Plus I was tired of putting chemicals in my hair and spending a ridiculous amount of money just to get it straight every two weeks.
How would you describe your texture?
K: I would say my texture is about a 3C. My hair tends to do what it wants. I’ll do the same styling technique and half the time it comes out different than the last time I did it in that same way. It takes a lot more effort to style my hair because it’s thick and slightly coarse.
Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
K: I wash my hair about once a week and co-wash in between sometimes once a week. I try and twist my hair every night, either using flexi-rods or two strand twists into bantu knots. These styles give me the bigger, looser curls that I like sometimes. On wash days I wear my actual natural pattern. And on lazy nights, I don’t twist my hair, so that in the morning I either can just fluff it out or it goes up in an up-do. I usually use Paul Mitchell’s Foaming Pomade, Curls Unleashed Curl Defining Creme, and/or Chi Silk Infusion. I also like to use various natural oils for my scalp and hair.
What does wash day look like for you?
K: I’m still working out the best shampoo and conditioner for my hair sadly enough (even though it’s been 2 1/2 years)!! Right now I’m using Palmer’s Olive Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. So I’ll shampoo, then condition. I’ll let that sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse. I’ll usually apply a hair mask (Shea Moisture) and let that sit for 30-45 minutes. I rinse, then go about my styling regime.
Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
K: My go-to quick hairstyle is the pompadour! It’s my favorite and it only takes 5 minutes for me to do. And it’s a rocking’ look.
How do you combat shrinkage?
K: I don’t really try to combat shrinkage when I want to wear my natural curl pattern. But when I want looser curls, that’s when I twist my hair at night.
What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
K: The middle part of my scalp is the worst! Lol It’s the thickest part and it’s the part that doesn’t want to curl as much.
What are 2 do’s for your texture?
K: I have to, have to, have to put some sort of frizz controlling cream in my hair. I can’t just go product-less. I know they say don’t comb or brush your hair. But that actually works for me and brings out my curl pattern even better.
What are 2 don’ts for your texture?
K: Two don’ts – Not oiling my hair regularly and Not styling it at night.
Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
K: I have my own website of photos that I’ve taken, styled, and modeled in: