Popular Black Gossip Site Sparks Fan Backlash and Loses Revenue After Pausing Celeb Coverage to Cover #BlackLivesMatter

Following the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, popular gossip site Fameolous has forgone their typical celebrity posts in favor of consistent coverage of issues regarding the fight for justice and accountability in incidents of police brutality.

Their account, which boasts almost 300,000 followers, sparked the ire of followers who felt some kind of way about it.

The owner of the account took to Twitter to express the pushback they were receiving from followers who no longer wanted to see posts that pushed for justice for black lives.

Furthermore, since halting their celebrity coverage, monthly revenue has gone from $12,000 has to zero. Still, the site owners consider it a necessary sacrifice.

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It is understandable that fans might be frustrated that a space they go to escape is now rife with heavy news, but we are also in extraordinary times. Black Lives Matter is shaping up to be the civil rights movement of our generation, and some will feel the call to use their platforms to speak out. Ladies, what are your thoughts?