Taj // Multi-Texture Style Icon


Introduce yourself!
My name is Taj White. My family is from the island of Jamaica by way of California. I have lived in a few different states throughout my life. Spent most of my adult life in Southern California (shout out to Los Angeles) and I moved to Dallas/Fort Worth with my family about 6 years ago.

Why did you make the decision to go natural?
I have been natural for over 10 years, but I have only been rocking my curls for 3 years. 10 years ago I decided to stop getting relaxers because I could no longer bare the scalp sores. My poor scalp was constantly inflamed. My strands looked healthy, but my scalp said a completely different thing.

How would you describe your texture?
My hair is big, naturally voluminous, and dense. It has a mind of its own 🙂 I have a little bit of all the 3’s and some of the 2’s in there. My hair does not like to be manipulated. Since my strands are fine, a lot of manipulation that can cause me breakage. It’s a free spirited kind of mane. My strands are predominantly 3c/3a curls. My 3a curls are very frizzy. They sit at the crown of my mane. I have only met one product that can tame my frizz and help encourage those looser curls. What product would that be? Kinky Curly Knot Today of course. Lol. I use the Kimmaytube mixture (2 tbsp of Kinky Curly Knot Today, 2 tsp of castor oil, jojoba oil, and 2 tbsp of aloe vera juice). It’s slightly modified to fit my hair needs. Other than that I don’t fight against the frizz anymore.

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
I am a wash ‘n go girl! Every so often I will twist my hair and wear it in a bun as a protective style, or do a twist out. I wash and deep condition once a week. I use Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo and Conditioner to wash and detangle. Once every two weeks I will wash with a clay mask mixture of apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. Since my scalp is prone to build up, I like to deep cleanse as often as I can. I finger detangle my hair when washing and conditioning. This process was revolutionary for my hair when I discovered it. I experience a lot less breakage after I began this process. I LOVE my Denman brush to smooth the strands out before any product is applied. I apply my leave in (Kinky Curly Knot Today), sometimes a moisturizer (Soultanicals Marula-Muru Moisture Guru or Hairitage Hydration Coco Aloe Hair Hydrator). A butter to my ends (Hairitage Hydration Castor Infusion Hair Butter), and a gel (Super Wet Hair Styling Gel) to help the style last longer. This gives me a real nice shine, feel, and the look I am going for.


What does wash day look like for you?
I usually try and set a chunk of time aside in the morning to prep and wash my hair. This typically takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I am a slight product junkie. So I rotate products often! But my staples are Kinky Curly Knot Today, Hairitage Hydration Castor Infusion Hair Butter, and Super Wet Hair Styling Gel or Kinky Curly Curling Custard. During the cool months, I diffuse the roots of my hair and let the rest air-dry. In the warmer months, (It’s hot enough here in Texas) I air dry all the way. I shampoo or co-wash, deep condition, apply my leave in of choice, butter, and gel. That may sound like a lot to some, but I almost never have to re-moisturize until it’s “wash day” again. I aspire to get 5-6 days out of my wash ‘n go. And this process gets me there.

Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
This will be a big surprise based on my previous answers, but… a wash ‘n go is my “go-to”. I say, “Let it be wild and free”. If my curls are wild and it’s one of those days that freedom needs to be taken away, I wear a bun or a puff. Lol.

How do you combat shrinkage?
I usually don’t fight it. I just roll with the shrinkage that comes. Some products will cause more shrinkage than others, but by the time my hair hits day three I usually get a pretty good amount of stretch from my nightly pineapple. I also enjoy the shrinkage because it gives me different looks.

What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
I would have to say my nape and edges tend to get drier than the rest of my hair for some reason. I have to water and butter them up every other night to fight against that. I also keep my ends nice and buttered up regularly, as they have always been prone to breakage. Butters and gels help keep them coiled, clumped and happy.

What are 2 do’s for your texture?
Hair butters! I absolutely need them! Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall 🙂 I experience a lot less dryness and breakage just from incorporating butters into my regimen. That has made the biggest difference in my hair journey. The second would be deep conditioning. Thirty minutes and a plastic cap works wonders for my hair. This helps me to retain moisture and elasticity, which my hair naturally lacks. Alright, I’ve got 5 (I’m sorry :)… My nightly mist of water and my nightly pineapple, AND I have to wear my satin scarf to bed. It’s also a must for me.

What are 2 don’ts for your texture?
My hair cannot take constant heat. Prior to going curly, I would flat iron regularly. My hair has thanked me for stopping that process. The next would be regular manipulation. Since my strands are fine, manipulation makes it look VERY thin. No amount of picking and fluffing can change that.

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
Yes. I am on YouTube “Curlversation Pop” with my home girls and fellow naturals. And, I love Instagram 🙂
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKLbn1SxaM5-zjEn8VLtWA
IG: http://instagram.com/tajwhite25
FB: https://www.facebook.com/taj.white.10

Natural with Flat Iron