The Internet Comes for Tia Mowry… Because of Her Son’s Hairstyle?

tia mowry and son

There seems to be a trend online as of late. Folks have made it their personal mission to provide their unsolicited critiques when it comes to how celebrities should style their children’s hair. From the tactless petition to Beyonce regarding Blue Ivy’s coils to the more recent policing of the hair styles Tia Mowry chooses for her son.

The actress has been sharing a lot of family photos on her instagram account lately and some folks took this as an open invitation to weigh in on her son, Cree’s hair:

 “His hair is cute but I do agree with some of the ladies. No son should have a bun in their hair.”

Cut that boy hair”

I guess to each it’s own, but I’d never allow my son to have long hair nor would his father if I had a son, let alone a bun on top of his head. I don’t understand it.”

“Yeah, buns are for girls. I’m not into it”

Tia took to her account shortly after and responded to the critics:

I am proud to have a SON that embraces his natural hair :). Hair length does not define your sex. Last I checked a penis and a vagina does. Pick up a book, educate yourself, and embrace cultures outside of your own and maybe you will see that there are PLENTY of MEN wearing top knots and MEN with long hair. Here’s a shout out to all the moms who have boys and girls with natural hair! ???? Live ON!

We’re with Tia! The toddler is adorable! Celebrity parents or not, we should remember that these are still kids. Leave them be!

tia mowry son cree farmer's market

In defending Tia, some have pointed out that she’s clearly an involved and caring mother, so why should her son’s hair matter? Also, there are plenty little boys of different races running around Hollywood with long hair… so why is it a problem with Cree? Would we have the same issue if this was Angelina Jolie’s child?

Do you agree with Tia’s response? What would you have done if someone decided it was necessary  to ‘check’ your parenting on social media?