When it comes to fortifying the black community, the plight of black women and girls often takes a back seat to that of black men and boys. So it is particularly heart-warming to see black girls being recognized and nurtured....

The White House Sponsored a Princess Party for Black Girls and We are Swooning

When it comes to fortifying the black community, the plight of black women and girls often takes a back seat to that of black men and boys. So it is particularly heart-warming to see black girls being recognized and nurtured.

On October 17 the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans hosted a Princess Party for black girls. The event focused on literacy, with 6-year-old black girl author Jordan West reading from her book Princess for a Day.

115 girls came out for the event, which included coloring and written affirmations. First Lady Michelle Obama addressed the girls, reminding them of their brilliance, beauty and intelligence;

“Picture a room of 115 young Black girls, proudly wearing sparkly tiaras, repeating the affirmations that they are strong, beautiful, kind and brilliant. They excitedly color in photos of crowns and write their own affirmations as points on the jewels of their crowns. “I am smart. I am funny. I am a queen,” their pages say… a mirror was passed around and each girl was encouraged to say one thing she liked about herself. The party wasn’t about turning girls into princesses, but ensuring that Black and Latina girls experience how self-love transforms the way they view themselves and the pivotal role they play in leading and shaping our world.”

Here are a few pictures we were able to dig up. (If you know of more, please email us!)











Our only disappointment is that, though sponsored by the White House, the event took place at the US Department of Education — located a couple miles away. How wonderful would it be for these girls to spend a day at the White House. Still, we are swooning at these little princesses.