Top Model Bre Scullark: My Natural Hair is Not a Trend

by Bre Scullark


Before it was trendy, before it became this “new phenomenon”, my natural hair was and still is, who I am. My natural hair is so much more than a break from chemically processed and damaged hair. It is so much more than a liberation from the monotony of long body wave weaves and sleek flat ironed hair. My natural hair signifies my life’s journey and my redefinition of spiritual beauty.

For many, the process of becoming natural is new and exciting. There are so many communities that are ready and willing to embrace these newbies.


Having been natural almost my entire life, it was just as much a part of me as the pigment of my skin. There was no separation between the texture of my hair and the skin on my bones. We just were. It wasn’t until I underwent two big chops involuntarily that I hit an emotional bottom. I can clearly remember looking at myself in the mirror and feeling so displeased with my reflection. I was no longer a beautiful conventional commercial/print model. I had absolutely no idea how to view myself. I spent three years repairing my thoughts on beauty and my spiritual connection to authentic happiness. It was in this bottom that many young men and women with relatable testimonies carried me. I received emails, text messages, and phone calls from people who had walked this journey of finding joy from deep down in an untouchable place called soul. This small community saved me from drowning in the world’s -and my own- ancient perception of beauty. I cannot thank them enough.


Mainstream media is recognizing the vast ideals of beauty. We no longer have to suffer in front of our television as hundreds of unrelatable characters prance in front of us. Now more than ever, people with stories similar to ours are accessible. In the midst of this enormous change, it is so important to distinguish evolution from fickle trends. Trends come as quickly as they go. It would be counterproductive to have educated and dissected our transformation in front of so many just to have it floating in the wind two years from now.  In honor of all the young men and women who were isolated and made fun of back in the day because their hair swiveled and swirled from their scalp, we must enlighten others on how beautiful and self satisfying it is to enjoy one’s authentic being. The journey of becoming natural without ulterior motives is something like a spiritual awakening; it is a remarkable discovery without a destination. When the media is on to the next, I encourage you to stay strong and remember why you started in the first place.

With pure hearts and open mindedness, I am beyond grateful of the times we are living in. May we protect and nurture this evolution to the next.

Enjoy your natural journey!


Bre Scullark is an American fashion model. She placed third on America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 5. Scullark currently works as a professional model, correspondent, writer, actress and is well on her way to obtaining longevity within the media entertainment industry.  Be sure to check her out on the following sites: Twitter/@MsBreScullark Instagram/@BreScullark Facebook/Bre Scullark