Viola Davis is looking absolutely stunning on the October issue of Essence Magazine! Since wearing a short, curly fron on the 2012 Oscar’s red carpet the 48-year-old actress has been vocal about her journey to accept her natural beauty. In the accompanying article she shares; I had to defend myself as an artist, but I...

Viola Stuns and Gets Real in her Essence Magazine Feature


Viola Davis is looking absolutely stunning on the October issue of Essence Magazine! Since wearing a short, curly fron on the 2012 Oscar’s red carpet the 48-year-old actress has been vocal about her journey to accept her natural beauty. In the accompanying article she shares;

I had to defend myself as an artist, but I found myself defending myself as a dark-skinned Black woman in front of people who did not know my life. I took my wig off because I no longer wanted to apologize for who I am.

She also talked about the origins of her insecurity;

My image of myself [as a youth] was in the mouths of young White kids calling me ugly and then going home to a mother who did not fully embrace her own beauty… There’s not one woman in America who does not care about her hair. But we give it way too much value. We deprive ourselves of things, we use it to destroy each other, we’ll look at a child and judge a mother and her sense of motherhood by the way the child’s hair looks.

Hmmm… that last statement reminds me of the hoopla surrounding Blue Ivy’s hair. What do you think ladies?
