Style: Rene Daniella in Paris


Introduce yourself!
What ever you do, Own It. That is my mantra, my style, my piece of advice, and my motivation; all in one.

My name is Rene Daniella. I am half English/ half American and have lived in both places so I can’t quite put a finger on the one I am “from”. I am definitely a city girl. With London, New York, and my current home, Paris, all in my address book, it’s easy to understand why. I thrift, I use music to solve everything, and I have massive wild honey caramel curls.

What is your style philosophy?
Golden rule: Style over labels. If you like how it looks, then Own It! Dress for you, and if you please them too than that’s a nice little bonus. Personally, my inspiration often comes from my body type. I have curves. They have needs. Unfortunately big baggy boyfriend tops and those cute old-fashioned flapper dresses don’t meet them. So I take anything, and I mean anything, and cinch it with a belt. Voila!

How would you describe your sense of style?
I love statement pieces. I always stay well stocked with the basics, including tanks, tights, and belts, so I can pair them with those one off finds you fall madly and deeply in love with in your favourite shops. I often like to dress with some kind of theme in mind, whether its 90’s hip hop, Parisian chic, Egyptian goddess, classic or bohemian and so on, a good theme absolutely keeps fashion fun.


What is your process of deciding what to wear in the morning?
Mood check. I see how I feel, or even how I would like to feel. Then proceed. I keep certain pieces that I am particularly in lust with hanging up on my walls in hopes I will be inspired to incorporate them. My bedroom walls stay busy, some what like a living vision board for fashion.

What are the three favorite things in your closet?
It’s hard to pick individually as I have a pretty stocked closet but the things that usually melt my little heart are playsuits, high waist skirts and waist belts. I am a belt fanatic. I am obsessed with new belts. If you gave me a potato sack I would put a waist belt on and rock it.

What are some of your favorite shops/websites for clothes, shoes and accessories?
I am not a huge online shopper as I like to be able to see myself in the clothing and try things on. It’s half the battle but half the fun too. If I do go online, I check out and similar sites. Occasionally I have a little gander through Urban Outfitters online SALES (never full price, hmph). But primarily, I am a vintage shop girl and am proud of it. There are so many clothes that have a lot of life left in them and need a good home! No but really I just love unique signature pieces and if you have a good eye and you know what flatters your body type, you can be creative and really OWN your wardrobe.

Also, even though they may not be your typical accessories, I think lipsticks and well polished nails will upgrade any outfit almost instantly and they are so simple to add! I love to go to Sephora for their lipsticks and lip stains. Reds, deep purples, and bold pinks are my go- to colours.

How long have you been natural?
I have had one relaxer and one “texturizer” in my life. The first relaxer was to make my hair a bit more manageable as a kid and then the texturizer was just for a style change. I cut the it out about 6 and a half years ago and have been letting my curls live ever since.

How and why did you transition into natural hair?
Well just before I got my last texturizer, I would wear my hair massive as it had some pretty good length to it. It was lovely. Once I got the texturizer I immediately missed my volume and realized I had to have it back. My curls absolutely have had a massive influence on my personality. With hair that draws such attention, you learn to use it as a platform and that has always been something I am grateful for.

What is your signature hairstyle?
Volume is my signature. As long as I keep my hair moisturized, then a wash and go works perfect. I apply fairly light products, do the finger fluff technique and use a wide tooth comb on my roots to keep it as big as possible. I will not blend into a crowd. Fact.

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
I wash every 7 to 10 days. I moisturize using different products depending on the look I am going for, the weather, the state of my hair. Some days my curls need more TLC than others. I try to vary my hairstyles. I do love the puffy bun or scarf up do’s because you know what, sometimes my hair just isn’t acting right and needs a moment to its self haha. I also do the occasional twist out which I am a huge fan of. It always delivers bouncy, well-defined curls!

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
Absolutely! I just recently started a blog and you can check it out at I mostly talk about fashion, travel, curls, and life. You can also find me on Instagram @OwnByFemme and Twitter @OwnByFemme
