4 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy During Your Lazy Week

by Ariane of BlackNaps.org

Lazy weeks are pretty much inevitable. We all have them. Especially when your natural hair gets a little longer and the maintenance is more work. But even when you don’t feel like giving your hair the attention you normally would, you can still keep it healthy with these simple tips:

keep natural hair healthy

1. Always wrap your hair no matter what.

Yes, you may be tired after coming home from your 9 to 5, but how long does it really take you to pop that silk scarf on?…Practically no time at all. Always keep your scarf on top of your nightstand and perhaps a backup one inside your nightstand drawer. This way when you are out for the count, all you have to do is reach over, put your scarf on and hit the lights.

2. Make sure your hair is in a protective style or at least a ponytail when you are ready to go to bed.

Going to bed with your hair out in a fro may lead to tangles and matting, which ultimately leads to breakage.

3. Keep your hair moisturized even when you are feeling lazy.

When I need a quick way to moisturize my hair, I let the steam from the shower give my hair a nice refresher and add a little bit of product if necessary.

4. For length retention and your hair’s health keep it in styles that require low manipulation.

If you don’t feel like doing a style that may take a little a longer, a simple bun will do just fine. This also saves you time on styling your hair in the morning.

Making the time to fit in these easy steps will help you to keep your hair healthy until you return to your usual standard of care.

How do you make sure your hair is being cared for when you are having a lazy week?

Ariane has been natural for seven years. For 4 of those years she wore dreadlocks and is am now on my 3rd year of her free flowing journey. Her website BlackNaps.org is a resource for hair growth tips, natural hair care advice, and style inspiration.