5 Easy Updos that Can Be Done in Minutes


If you’re like me, you have little to no time to spend styling your hair. You have a whole list of other tasks to complete be it for school, work, family, or just life.  At the same time, you don’t exactly want to step out of the house looking crazy.  Well here are five easy AND quick updos to give you some options:

1. Jumbo Flat Twist Updo

This lady starts on hair that is stretched via banding, but you can use any other alternative you want.  You don’t have to have superb flat-twisting skills either.  Just basic.  A few bobby pins are needed.

2. Textured Bun

She starts from an old wash-n-go, but you can start from a twist-out or braid-out.  You will need a hair tie and bobby pins.   Don’t worry if your hair is too short to make a real bun; just make sure your hair is long enough to pin down into a faux bun.

3. Side Puff

This style is done on a several-day-old twist-out, but you can start from a braid-out or your natural texture.  All you will need is an elastic band and one minute (or maybe two) to spare.

4. Elegant Tucked Updo

If you want something elegant, try this style, which was done threaded hair.  Again, you can start from hair that has been stretched via other means. Bobby pins are needed and a cute hair pin to set off the look is optional.

5. Humpy Tail (for Locs)

This beautiful lady starts from a set of medium-length locs but gives you options for shorter locs.  What will you need?  Bobby pins and an ouchless band. That’s it.

Ladies, which style will you try?