We, along with thousands of others were fooled when we saw these absolutely stunning photos of Rihanna rocking a Nigerian gele. Folks were thrilled at the idea of Rihanna rocking fashions from the motherland, and scrambled to figure out when...

No, The Viral Photos of Rihanna Wearing a Nigerian Gele aren’t Real… But They’re Still Pretty Dope

We, along with thousands of others were fooled when we saw these absolutely stunning photos of Rihanna rocking a Nigerian gele.



Folks were thrilled at the idea of Rihanna rocking fashions from the motherland, and scrambled to figure out when the photos were taken.

Well unfortunately they’re the result of some creative photoshop work by Twitter user @chuuzus. The original images are of Rihanna headed to the 2015 launch of her Riri by Rihanna perfume line.
@Chuuzus doctored the photos to add the gele and ‘complete the outfit.’


But how dope would it be if Ri rocked this for real!