What is your Name / Where are you from?
P: Hey! My name is Paville pronounce (Ah-vee-L) and I am from North Carolina.
Did you transition or big chop? Share your natural hair journey with us!
P: I big chopped several times. My first big chop was in December 2010, and after a year of natural hair, I relaxed. After a while I was tired of the relaxed look and big chopped in 2012, and again at the end of 2013. I chose to go natural because my hair would never grow past my shoulders I would always experience thin ends and breakage and I just wanted something new without having to wear a weave so I decided to go natural.
How would you describe your texture (is it predominantly 3a, 3b or 3c / 4a, 4b, or 4c, and how does it behave, are your strands fine or coarse, is your hair thin or dense, etc.)?
P: I am a 4C girl and I have named my mane, Penny. Penny has her days when I put in a lot of effort and she comes out EXACTLY how I want, and then there is other days where I put in hours and do the same exact routine I did before and she comes out looking like a complete puff ball. I am just now coming to terms of just accepting my hair in her natural texture. I consider myself having coarse strands and my hair is moderately thick.
Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
P: I normally pre-poo my hair using an Organix conditioner and wash my hair once a week using a Shea Moisture shampoo. I follow up with a deep conditioner once a week, switching between Shea Moisture Yucca & Baobab Anti-breakage Treatment or Deep Moisture Masque. I try not to style my hair more than twice a week, and I normally use Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie or the Gel Souffle.
What does wash day look like for you?
P: Wash day consists of a pre-poo with an Organix conditioner, preferably the Tea Tree Mint Conditioner. After that I wash my hair with Shea Moisture Shampoo, followed by a deep conditioning. While deep conditioning, I finger detangle my hair. I leave the conditioner for at least 30 minutes.
Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don’t have a lot of time to style.
P: Chunky twists. I can recycle an old hairstyle using less product and no detangling.
How do you combat shrinkage?
P: After the first day of styling I normally put my hair in a lot of individual ponytails using Goody ouchless bands, and sleep with my hair like that overnight to stretch it.
What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require extra care and attention?
P: My edges! If I look at them to hard they will try to run away. I keep them there and thick by using castor oil in that area.
What are 2 do’s for your texture?
P: Constant moisture because I have low porosity hair and finger detangling.
What are 2 dont’s for your texture?
P: Sleeping without my hair being in some type of twists and handling my hair when frustrated.
Is there a blog/webpage or social media account where we can find you?
P: I have a YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/pavilleis You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all under the name @pavilleis